Wednesday, June 3, 2020


This afternoon we spent our time making Potato Lights and discovering all about static electricity. We even managed to defy gravity!

We were learning to use the following process:

Scientific Processes/Scientific Method - Lessons - Tes Teach

Please ask your child what they discovered today.


  1. Today I really enjoyed experimenting and hypothesizing even when they didn't work. My favorite one was the "can can go" one because it worked really well and was very interesting.

  2. thanks Ms Saxon and Ms Perry for letting us do that! one of the best things we've done this term. i think the can worked best, also learning about how magnets work has helped. i think everybody would like to do this again!

  3. sadly ours didn't work
    thanks to miss Perry for explaining it at the end

  4. this was so cool and fun even know some of the experiments
