Monday, June 15, 2020

Dividing Decimals

One of our super maths groups has been learning to divide decimals. We watched this video and they asked if I could share it so they can show mum and dad how clever they are!

Decimals - Cool math Pre-Algebra Help Lessons - How to Divide a ...


  1. i liked that new math, iv'e found it hard but once you start getting it you can just keep going. though i wonder how were going to do with ones were getting on Monday(hopefully no mistakes on adding,i always mess up somehow).-joseph

  2. I enjoyed learning how to divide decimals. First I was confused but as I got the hang of it it became easy and fun!

  3. nice job guys
    looks like your starting to learn some hard things in math

  4. this looks really hard good job to the squares

  5. thanks alot Mrs Saxon for putting that on the blog . It was really helpful

  6. i really enjoyed learning how to divide decimals it was confusing and challenging at first but now i understand thank you for teaching us Mrs Saxon

  7. its really once you get the hang of it
