Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Electrical Circuits

This afternoon we learnt about electrical circuits - both series and parallel. Ms Saxon's first diagram was thought to be a house plan with a door, window and cushion! We learnt about the different symbols and what they represent.

Electric circuit symbols : coolguides

We also had a play at creating our own circuits in small groups.

Leroy was an Angler Fish with his instant light

Adelle was excited when her team's circuit worked!

Louis and Joseph worked really well together to get their lightbulb glowing


  1. Ha Ha, Leroy your angler fish costume is great! i don't know why but the light bulb is oddly satisfying.

  2. I enjoyed assembling the eclectic circuits. My favorite part was when our group got it working on the first try.

  3. electrical is really amazing thing, especially when you try to make the light bulb and it works!

  4. is was really cool to see the light glow up and it was a challenge to get 2 working at a time

  5. I enjoyed figuring out if they were conductors or inculster and when the lightbulb

  6. Making the electrical circuits was very fun. It was nice when our group got it working on the first time!

  7. it was so much fun experimenting to see if the bulb lit up
    (ours did����������

  8. Making the light bulbs work was very exciting especially because you got instant results

  9. that was so intresting , looking at all of the different circuits

  10. This term's topic is super fun because different circuits produce different outcomes. And it's so amazing how electricity can travel through the thinest things such as tin-foil.

  11. I had fun figuring out how to make a circuit and also when we got it working first try! Leroy's angler fish looks cool.
