Thursday, July 2, 2020

Banqer Auction

Yesterday we had an exciting and fun Banqer auction. Students could use their saved monies to purchase items brought in by their peers. There was heaps of food, toys, cards etc. Students bid on items and the highest bidder after 20mins was the winner.

Everyone wanted to bid for Max's delicious risoles!

Samuel and Maddox checking out their options

Joseph ended up winning Clem's huge bear

Home baking earned lots of money!


  1. Big thank you to Mrs Saxon and Ms Perry for hosting the auction! There were some delicious home baking and lots of toys that were not wanted anymore. Im sure everyone had lots of fun. Cant wait until we have the next one in term 4.

  2. This auction was really fun. Thank you Mrs Saxon and Miss Perry for hosting the auction!
